For What Hashit’s Worth

(Sung by the Hash House Quartet to the tune “For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield)


There’s something happening here

But what it is ain’t exactly beer

There’s a hare with a bag over there

Telling me I better not snare


I think it’s time we stop

Hashers, circle ‘round

Everybody lets drink a down down


There’s BT lines being drawn

Nobody’s right if FRB’s are wrong

Dumb hashers checking half-minds

Pulling tons of false trails from their behind


I think it’s time we stop

Hash, gather ‘round

Everybody lets drink a down down


What a field day for the snares

A thousand hashers with cross-hairs

Singing songs and carrying mugs

Mostly saying, “hashshit chug-a-lug”


It’s time we stop

Hey, what’s that sound?

Everybody singing a down down


Snare-anoia strikes deep

Into hashlife it will creep

It starts when you’re laying afraid

Run out of checks, the pack come and bounce you away


We better stop

Hey, what’s that sound?

Everybody look – where’s their down down?


I think it’s time we stop

Hash, gather ‘round

Everybody lets drink a down down


I think it’s time we stop

Hash, gather ‘round

Everybody lets drink a down down


I think it’s time we stop

Hash, gather ‘round

Everybody lets drink a down down 

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