Hashing icon Hash Boy has announced his decision to become a famous recording star. The hashing celebrity felt that his singing talents should not be limited to singing down-downs in the circle or “Alouetting” some unsuspecting bartender at an ononon.
“I have a gift that must be shared with the world!” exclaimed a sweaty Hash Boy in the middle of down-downs.

In addition to his inaugural album release “Sing-Along with Hash Boy“, K-Hash Records is releasing a previously unreleased holiday-themed album “A Hash Boy Christmas“ that includes a rare live 1965 concert recording of a stiletto heel-wearing thong-clad Hash Boy singing the Hash Holiday Standard “Walkin’ ‘Round in Women’s Underwear“.
A K-Hash Records promotional music video of the song filmed with 14 cameras during the concert had to be removed from the internet due to the extremely high-volume of site visitors.