What to Expect at Your First Hash

One of the most frequent questions we receive from the non-hashing civilian public is what is it like to attend a Hash. As a public service, Hash Boy provides an overview of what one can expect when going to their first hash. All of the items described below are commonly experienced by first-time Hashers at virtually every Hash House Harrier hash throughout the world. 


Valet Parking As you arrive at the announced starting location for the hash, look for hashers wearing colorful vests especially those covered with lots of patches. These individuals are valet parking attendants who will park your car. Electric Vehicle Charging for your vehicle is provided by the hash (up to 3 hours free for first-time hashers). Optional car wash and custom auto detailing services are provided by energetic hash volunteers at most hashes upon request.


Welcome Gift Basket First-time hashers are cheerfully greeted at the hash start location by the hash kennel’s dedicated Hash Concierge and are provided with beautiful complimentary Welcome Gift Baskets containing handmade soaps, fragrances, mixed nuts, flowers and local farm fresh fruit in season.  


Manicure/Pedicure with complimentary foot massage services are available for first-time hashers who arrive early before “Hares-Off” time. Be sure to ask any member of the knowledgeable Hash Mismanagement team where to find the hash Foot Care Station attendant.


New Boot Orientation and Hash Trail Education Seminar All first-time hashers will attend mandatory 2-hour training classes typically conducted in air-conditioned, climate-controlled mobile classroom trailers located at the hash start location. Hashing training consists of a trail-proven curriculum traditionally led by experienced Hash instructors certified by Hash Boy University a world-famous Hashing Educational Institution founded by Hash Boy. Gifts of leather-bound Hash hymnal song books and traditional sanitary hash chalk sticks are awarded to all first-time hashers at the conclusion of their training session.


In-Hash Daycare Your children are welcomed at the Hash and their attendance is encouraged. Limit of six children per first-time hasher is commonly observed at most hash kennels occurring outside of the USA state Utah. 


Hash Wardrobe – The hash is typically a business-casual event. Pressed Khaki slacks and heels (Men) and pleated mid-length skirts without tops (Women) are the norm at most hashes. Head scarves and neckwear are optional and no longer required as of 2023. Please do not wear Red-colored dresses to the hash unless you have confirmed in advance you are attending a “Red Dress Run” style hash event (Men). 


If you fail to experience any of the above when attending your first hash, please ask to see the RA (Religious Advisor) at your hash to register a complaint. They will promptly help to resolve the issue and offer you a refreshing cold beverage.


Welcome to the Hash and On On!

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