Celebrity Hasher Hash Boy Endorses ShigBar® Products

Hash Boy #40 Shig Bar - Total ShigBar product
Total ShigBar® 6oz. (product image courtesy of ShigBar Products)



World-famous hasher Hash Boy was announced today as the new commercial spokesperson for the ShigBar® line of nutritional hashing supplements.

A ShigBar® corporate relations publicity release cited Hash Boy’s global knowledge of hashing and his broad hands-on experience with traditional on-in munchies. The release noted Hash Boy’s experience as a MunchMeister for a local hash kennel for four months back in the early 1990’s as evidence of his dietetic qualifications.

Hash Boy #40 Shig Bar Endorsement
Hash Boy endorsing ShigBar®

For more information on how the ShigBar® family of hashing nutritional products can help your hash kennel visit ShigBar® today.